Digital Glyde helps companies define their digital goals, identify where they stand with their current technology, and collaborates with them to create customized solutions that will help them grow & achieve their goals through digital transformation. Digital Glyde’s experience across varied sectors enables us to understand our customer’s requirements to deliver exactly what they need. Our ability to recognize business requirements ensures success with the best possible balance of cost and quality. 

When overall business goals and technology goals are left out of the loop of an Enterprise Data Strategy, the data activities are likely to deliver wrong results and cause huge losses to the business. It is important to align a good Data Strategy with the overall business and technological goals of the business to ensure proper flow of data and proper analysis of the data.


Digital Glyde – Consulting

Using market trends and analysis, our consultants develop and provide strategies using digital technology solutions and best time practices. In today’s digital ecosystem, the Data Strategy means the difference between survival and extinction of a business. Any business that is thinking of using data as a strategic asset for predetermined business outcomes must invest in planning and developing a Data Strategy. The Data Driven Strategy will not only aid the business in achieving the desired objectives but also keep the overall Data Management activities on track.

Digital Glyde ensures that the client’s company or business has a comprehensive Data Strategy Plan to transform their current state of affairs into “strategic Data Management initiatives,” leading to the fulfillment of desirable business needs and objectives in the long term, creating a higher chance to achieve the desired results.

Digital Glyde – Digital Innovation

Digital Innovation is the heart of every organization. Digitizing internal operations make things better, faster, and cheaper; creating new ways to engage users; and help bring new products and services to market. Driving towards digital innovation is hard work. Digital Glyde facilitates and expedites that process by understanding the Client’s needs, motivations and journeys.  Digital Glyde can help guide this path with customized or existing solutions, rapidly iterating creative concepts, and easy-to-use digital technology by working collaboratively with our clients.



Why Digital Innovation?


Digital Innovation is that spark of creativity that leads to new technology or innovative applications of existing digital tech. Digital innovation is often the precursor to digital transformation. There is a digital component in almost every facet of human activity, for work or personal consumption. Organizations can risk becoming irrelevant if they do not digitally innovate or adapt to the evolving consumer and business habits. In fact, IDG reports that 89% of companies plan to adopt a digital-first business strategy. In an age where the world’s largest taxi company has no taxi, the largest accommodation provider has no real estate, or building enterprise web and mobile applications no longer requires months or years of writing lengthy complex codes – it’s the simple case of disrupt or be disrupted.

Digital innovation is for every business, regardless of the industry and size, that wants to remain competitive, profitable and build products and services that consumers love. At the functional level, creating business applications is no longer the domain of IT. In fact, with innovative platforms like low-code, business users in HR, marketing, operations, finance, or any other department can now start making applications.

We live in the age of digital Darwinism – you either evolve or become irrelevant. In fact, 4 out of 10 companies will be dead in 10 years if they fail to adopt digital innovation. To stay relevant, you must deliver the right applications at the right time. While you likely have a host of new ideas, focus first on those ideas that have the greatest bang for your digital buck.


The top digital solutions focus on the following 3 areas:


Customer, Partner, or Supplier Engagement
Simplify the way information is accessed, and transactions are processed. Remember, people want to engage wherever and whenever is convenient for them. Applications that support this goal include advisement tools, fact-finding assistance for employees, and customer portals.

Product & Service Innovation
Differentiate your business by enhancing existing products and services with digital components or creating new products or services. Product and service innovation often involves new applications that enable mobile services, personalized product offerings, and new business models.

Internal Systems Processing, Reporting, or Access
Digitize your back-office processes to improve efficiency, ultimately reducing the cost of service and support while improving response times and customer satisfaction. Consider how you can automate complex internal workflows, enable faster reporting and decision making, and empower your workforce through new applications that will allow better access to data and better mobility.


Examples of Digital Innovation


We are surrounded by digital innovation. Some of the latest innovative technology includes wearable devices, chatbots, IoT, AI, big data, and the list goes on. Business applications of these new-gen technologies include, for example, an AR-driven application that workers use to check the temperature of a piece of equipment to prevent machines from overheating or a healthcare company looking to implement AI to help better diagnose patients’ ailments.

Digital Glyde – Planning & Strategy

Digital Glyde creates groundbreaking new innovations that dramatically improve existing business processes and workforce efficiency, enhance customer experience, and launch new products or business models. Digital Guide will work with you to understand the existing process and then re-imagine how to make those processes more efficient. Custom digital solutions keep you front of mind and ahead of the competition.

Digital Glyde develops custom digital tools that help companies enhance their existing products or services, capture critical data, develop user interfaces based on online behavior, and utilize data to create internal/external analytics.

Digital Strategy – Frequently Asked Questions

How does Digital Glyde approach digital transformation?

We collaborate with companies to understand their needs and develop tailored solutions that align with their business and technology goals. Our experience across various sectors allows us to deliver exactly what our clients need.

Why is a Data Strategy important for businesses?

A good Data Strategy aligns with overall business and technological goals, ensuring proper data flow and analysis. Without it, data activities can deliver incorrect results and cause significant losses.

What is digital innovation and why is it important?

Digital innovation involves creating new technology or innovative applications of existing tech. It is crucial for businesses to remain competitive, profitable, and relevant in the evolving digital landscape.

How does Digital Glyde facilitate digital innovation?

We understand our clients’ needs and work collaboratively to provide customized or existing solutions. Our approach includes rapidly iterating creative concepts and using easy-to-use digital technology.

Why should businesses invest in digital innovation?

Businesses must innovate digitally to stay competitive and relevant. Digital innovation helps create products and services that consumers love and ensures businesses can adapt to changing market demands.